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5th September

Turbo Dork Paints

I'm in the process of producing videos for each of Turbo Dork paints so you can see how they apply over different primers. In the meantime, I thought it would be good to share some tips.


Original Formula

If you're familiar with Vallejo's Air range, you'll recognise the consistency when using Turbo Dork's original range, and the formula is perfect for airbrushing straight out of the bottle. 

  • As with all metallics, shake well!
  • For airbrush, use straight from the bottle.
  • For hand brush: Apply multiple thin layers, allowing to dry between applications. As the paint is formulated for airbrushing, you'll find the paint will pool if you apply too much at once.

Comparison of old and new formulas


New Formula

All the new colours are made using the new thicker formula, and Turbo Dork has been working hard to update the entire range. You can tell if you have the new formula as you'll see a batch sticker on the bottom of the bottle.

  • As with all metallics, shake well! 
  • For airbrush, use, add a little thinner or flow improver.
  • For Handbrush, thin to the consistency you desire; like all metallics, it's best to paint multiple thin layers rather than thick layers.


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