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Preparing for the Lion's Return

I've always been a Dark Angels fan. The dark green armour, the robes and the secrecy drew me in at young age! 

Hints of the Lion's return have always got me excited, and the recent launch of the new Azrael sculpt got me thinking about a new Dark Angels army. 

Turbo Dork offers a wide range of greens, so I reached out to the commission painter ThatMrShy and asked them to create some examples to help me decide which Turbo Dork green to go for.

Turbo Dork Gordian Knot Metallic Acrylic Paint

First up is one of my favourites, Turbo Dork Gordian Knot Metallic Acrylic Paint. Above, it's been painted over black and is a lush dark green.

Turbo Dork Dark Net Turboshift Acrylic Paint
Turbo Dork Dark Net is one of the Turboshift Acrylic Paints. Much darker than Gordian Knot, this would be great for Dark Angel Ravenwing units.


Turbo Dork Malum Malis Metallic Acrylic Paint

Above, we have Turbo Dork Malum Malus Metallic painted over a black undercoat. This is more Death Guard than Dark Angels. I like the yellow hue you get from Malum Malus, and I use it as a zenithal highlight on my Salamanders.

Turbo Dork Electrum Turboshift Acrylic Paint

Turbo Dork Electrum Turboshift is fancy. However, if you want a serious glow-up for the Lion, Electrum offers a green to gold colour shift.


Turbo Dork Forrest Flux Turboshift Acrylic Paint

Another beautiful colour-shifting effect from Turbo Dork Forrest Flux Turboshift Acrylic Paint. A lush green which shifts to blue and purple.

Turbo Dork Grave Robber Turboshift Acrylic Paint

Turbo Dork Grave Robber Turboshift Acrylic Paint shifts from Dark green to muted brown. A little too dark for me, but a highlight with Appleseed of Matcha would help brighten it up.Turbo Dork Summoning Sickness Metallic Acrylic Paint

Turbo Dork Summoning Sickness Metallic Acrylic Paint is another green with gorgeous yellow hues—a great candidate for a Death Guard army.


Turbo Dork Scarab Turboshift Acrylic Paint

One of my favourites! Turbo Dork Scarab Turboshift Acrylic Paint shifts from a beautifully rich green to a blue which lurks seems to only lurk in the corners. It feels like it's keeping a secret, making it an excellent choice for Dark Angels!


Let me know which paint you'd use for your Dark Angels army!

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