If you backed the Zenobian Zeniths Kickstarter campaign, you most like received a set of Exit 23 Games. I've run out of the original design, so I've placed an order with Chessex for D6 with the new Exit 23 Games logo. Please take a look and let me know what you think. I think they're gorgeous!
Block Dice
I used Chesex to produce our Block Dice and I've always been super impressed with the quality and service
This week, I had the pleasure of playing a demo game of Robot Fight Club. It wasn't the finished product as it hasn't gone to print yet, but it was a high-quality review copy, so I was able to get a feel for the art and design. The core rules are easy to pick up and teach, making it simple to introduce to new players. It feels finely tuned so that it balances simplicity to learn with depth so you can develop your strategies and play to your style. Watch the how-to-play video and check out the Kickstarter campaign. Having had a little time to digest my experience, I'd love to see some league campaign rules introduced as I think this would add yet more depth to an already fantastic game.
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