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All Zenobian Zeniths Sculpts Complete

As promised, Tom delivered the remaining sculpts on the 3rd of February and I've sent them on to Printmakr to produce the masters. Printing will take around four weeks, so I estimate I'll be shipping out the Kickstarter rewards in week two or three in April to allow time for the prints to be sent to Griffin Moulds for them to create the master and production Moulds and to produce and ship the required quantities.
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Over the last couple of months, I've been ordering packing samples to ensure the Kickstarter rewards arrive safely. It's as dull as it's sounds but is very important. Thankfully I've found some packaging I'm happy and from a company based in my home town in Nottinghamshire which is a nice bonus!

Star Player

Rest of the things
B is delivering the signed prints to me today, and I'm expecting the Reroll & Turn tokens and KR cases to arrive this month which means I'll be able to start packing orders very soon. The aim is to have everything prepared so that once the outstanding miniatures come from the Griffin Moulds, I'll be able to finish packing and start shipping with minimum delay.
Catcher 4

The Kicker

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