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And with much great rejoicing the Dwarfs were painted! A mid summer choice was made to play them in the ECBBL Autumn season so they had 10 weeks to be painted. Having young children I don’t get to paint very frequently so this was actually a much shorter (no pun intended) timeframe than it seems. Still nothing seems to focus the mind as much as a deadline.
I would rate my painting at the same level of my Bloodbowl play: adequate (cite, Paul “Geggster” Gegg, 21/08/2019). So please enjoy the reasonably pretty pictures but don’t look too hard.
Not being someone who can concentrate on a single project at once, while the goblins are being painted I have begun work on the next team...
For this project I wanted something very different. The Ying to the goblin Yang, the hard armoured surfaces to their cloth & flesh, the Tackle to their Stunty, and yes the no-fun to their fun.
Dwarfs it is then.
When I relapsed back into miniature gaming (after 13 years clean dammit) I had 2 underlying aims I wanted to try and keep to:
Pledge 2 is proving a little hard to keep, but is at least assisted by my love of trawling small miniature manufacturers, eBay auctions and converting. From one of these random trawls through everyone’s favourite online tat bazaar I came across the genus of an idea for my Goblins.